Miss-adventure: A lucky escape from a serious accident
Springvale Road Melbourne is the #1 rated accident hot-spot according to AAMI's crash statistics. I discovered that they are right when I was hit by a truck in a 4 vehicle accident. Luckily and amazingly, nobody was killed. So this is what it looks like after being hit by a truck. I was stationary at traffic lights in my HiLux, with a truck on my right. Then I heard an impact and the truck's rear end slammed into my drivers side window at head height. I had nowhere to go and just had to take the blow. Glass from my shattered window cut my face and sliced my right eye. I was covered in glass shards. Went into shock for a minute or so. Bystanders immediately came, applied first aid, contacted emergency services and took my phone and let my family know. I was very impressed and grateful at how helpful they were. I was very lucky that the truck took the majority of the impact! A fireman got me out of the cab, unfortunately dragging me across spiky broken glass. M...