SAMRATS club ride report

This made the third ride that I have organised and Captained. I took over Ken's ride because he was indisposed. Had 14 bikes turn up for this ride. Weather was nice with a bit of chill in the air. We made our way up to Strath via Clarendon and Paris Creek Road, and the ride was tediously slow as we were caught behind classic cars and inconsiderate drivers. Then when we got there, a train full of tourists arrived so we didn't bother grabbing a coffee.

We then made our way back to Bull Creek Road via Ashton Road and the going was much better. I then headed up Inman Valley Road to the horror of the sports bike riders. I was fine on this road but the bumpiness of the road did not agree with some bikes or riders, and I received the criticism when I stopped at Yankalilla for lunch. Lesson learned.

After lunch we returned via Carrickalinga and the Myponga Dam. The ride broke up with a group continuing on back up into the hills. All in all it was a very enjoyable day of riding.


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