Riding hell on the Sunshine Coast

Nothing like a good rare T-bone, except when it involves a land-cruiser pulling out without looking! Bill was keen to show me the good roads around the Sunshine Coast, but 5 minutes into the ride he was cleaned up with me riding just behind him. The land-cruiser just pulled out in front of him from a T intersection. Bill did a great job of emergency breaking but the distance was just too short.

Bill Hill seriously hurt after being T-boned

His knee and leg were smashed. A huge gash on the back of his leg allowed his severed calf to hang out like a tongue. The ligaments in his leg were torn beyond repaid. Nasty!

Fortunately several nurses were at the scene and provided first aid. Bill then underwent several surgeries on his leg. It was touch and go if it would have to come off but they managed to save it. Bill's high level of fitness was a key factor.

No stopping this staunch old-school Kiwi
Bill had pulled my caravan apart just prior to his accident, but soon after he was out of hospital he was back into it, with me as his apprentice. Tough!

Drivers don't look for bikes! Never assume they have seen you. Never expect them to give way, regardless of the law!

The Sunshine Coast has not been a good riding experience. The roads here are unpredictable and some are very treacherous. The GPS maps are inaccurate causing me to constantly get lost and take wrong turns. I dropped the Sprint trying to turn around on a road that changed from bitumen to loose shale! It was so slippery I could barely walk on it, let alone ride. During holiday season the roads here are far too busy for safe riding and the drivers frankly suck. They all speed and often don't give way.

The Sprint after I tried to turn it around on a road that turned to shale
In addition, the speed limits are very frustrating. On the few good bits of road for riding the speed limit is dropped far too low and the cops vigorously enforce it. The weather is too hot in the summer which limits riding to morning and evening, when there is higher risk of animal strike. Bikers here aren't a very friendly lot in general either and I constantly hear stories of serious accidents and see bikers limping around nearly every day. All in all I don't recommend this area for riding.


  1. I just want to thank you for sharing your information and your site or blog this is simple but nice Information I’ve ever seen i like it i learn something today.  Immediate response first aid


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