Mobile workplace - Mind Relaxation Australia

Another day at the office, helping clients beat their anxiety, depression and destructive thought patterns, and delivering life changing results. I love my job with Mind Relaxation Australia! Cured a client on Monday, Tuesday got another to success point. Wednesday managed to clear a client's suicidal thoughts. Today had a coffee with a client to congratulate her on her progress. So rewarding!

My mobile workplace and remote treatment system allows me to live this awesome lifestyle. I'm still in the process of perfecting the methods needed. In particular internet access is a problem, with mobile data being very unreliable in some areas. I'm setting up an antenna system to try and improve coverage.

Mum is loving the caravan, "so cozy" she said. 

Can see the TV from bed, working my way through the Vikings TV series.

Going to take the rig off grid soon, out to a remote location. First problem - water tank is cracked!


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