Adventure Day 1

Said goodbye to friends, bricks, mortar and urban life. The adventure has officially started!

Alex Foreman with Stacey and Rick Tomlinson for a farewell catchup

Alex Foreman with friend Adam Johnson, owner of Astute

Alex Foreman with adventure buddy Ken King, medical scientist and ratbag

Ramping the Triumph Sprint ST onto the Toyota HiLux Cab Chassis

I've not yet mastered the art of ramping the bike, but managed to get it up there without squashing myself or dropping the 240kg machine.

A pile of man fun on a tray, motorbike, SCUBA gear & camping gear.

My amazing Mum flew all the way down from the sunshine coast to go on a road trip with me. Was a huge help in setting up. Love my Mum!

So I departed Adelaide and only made a short trip to make sure everything was secured properly. The caravan felt unbalanced and I think it's internal weight needs to be redistributed. Also started learning how to use the water system in the van.


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