I took a Japanese Nurse caravaning through South Australia

Aki flew down from Japan so we took out the new 21' Goldstar Liberty Tourer for a camping trip in South Australia, complete with riding and kayaking. Camped at Munnum on the Murray (one of my fav camp sites), then cruised to KingstonSE and filled my water tanks with stinking bore water YUCK! After flushing the tanks we explored Beachport then set up at Tantaloona and went riding around the area. The Caravan had a lot of problems, will do a separate video on those and also Goldstar's actions to help resolve those problems. Will also do a few vids on our adventures around Mt Gambier. Aki is loving the adventure, but does find all the problems with the caravan a bit frustrating.

Tantaloona offers a great 48hr free RV site, with the Tantaloona Tiger Hotel across the road and toilets, dump point and water. It's self-contained only so no camping. Tantaloona Tiger:

Video link: https://youtu.be/WiS37V18XFY


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