Maverick Octane's exhilarating Yellingbo ZigZag ride

Another brilliant ride through amazing Victorian roads. Mav's ZigZag ride culminated with the Gembrook-Launching Pl Rd. This road was so much fun we rode it three times. If you take it, watch out for the two hairpins, one of them tightens up and both are deceptive on approach. Also drivers like to go round corners on the wrong side of the road!

Alex, Damian and Michael after an exhilarating triple run of the Gembrook-Launching Pl Rd

Yellingbo ZigZag ride line-up
Mav drew a crowd of Triumph motorcycles on this trip, including a TT, my Sprint ST, a Tiger, and a Bonnie. Thought I was riding with the Triumph club. 


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